Saturday, July 24, 2010


Pagi ni aku teringat kat arwah atok aku...bukan pagi ni je..hari2 lain pon teringat..atok aku meninggal mase aku sekolah rendah, tak silap aku time tu aku darjah 4..even dia pergi time aku masih kecik...tapi aku still lagi teringat every moment we've spend many things la...every moment yang menarik, sedih, gembire sume la..he's the greatest atok in the whole wide world....sumpah...tapi die pergi awal sgt, time aku perlukan die sgt2...i still remembered the day die tinggalkan kami..maklong called us and die teresak2 ckp dlm phone, and im the one who answered the phone..maklong nak ckp ngan mama and she said to me atok passed away...time tu i dont know what does it mean...jadi aku teros passed the phone kat mama..and i said to her loudly "mama, maklong tepon, die kate atok 'passed away'.....(aku dlm nada yang selambe)..and i remembered my mom rush to the phone and she started to cried when she's talk to maklong...mase tu jantung aku sumpah berdegup laju..and i know that something bad has happened to atok, and i started to cry..then i remembered my mom pelok aku kuat2, mama lagi sedih because her father passed away..mama dah jadi anak yatim piatu...

atok meninggal because of asthma...his inhaler dah abis kot time tu..smp sekarang aku fikir if his inhaler ade..maybe die still lagi with us kasih sayang yang tak terkire banyak nye..aku sgt rase kehilangan die..if he still alive aku mesti jadi budak baik(bukan la aku tak baik kan..)..gosh i really missed him..every time after solat i will always pray for him...sometimes kalo aku rase sgt lonely dan teringat kan die..aku rase macam die dekat sgt ngan aku..maybe betul die still lagi with us..looking at us growing tapi dari alam yang lain...

atok...nurul rindu atok..
i will always love u..

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